All about Link exchange that is very effective for higher traffic

As a website owner you always want higher traffic and high traffic means more attention, more success and more sales. There are several methods to boost traffic in which link exchange is also included. Google determines your web value, by its own algorithm or scoring system.

Link exchange affects your web rank or value because your web value isn’t based on content quality and relevancy only, on your web, but it also extends to the content quality and relevancy of the site that you direct to visitors through the link exchange.

What is link exchange?

It is actually an agreement between two websites owners who add links to one another websites. In the result of link exchange, if you get a lot of links to the web, then search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing will consider your website more important and reward it with a higher search engine ranking. And higher ranking brings you a lot of free traffic. Some link exchange, are free of cost and some charge fee for giving you links each month.

How can you exchange link?

If you intend to exchange links, then first you seek websites that have links swap pages where you will add your website, and then add the other party site to your web. But it is a lengthy process. If you want a shortcut and save your time, then you may consider automated links swap websites on the monthly payment. In this way, you can get lots of incoming links. The big advantage of this is that your outbound links are built automatically through the link swap companies.

Benefits of link exchange

Improve search engine ranking

If you are new in online business, you may think, like many other newbies that just putting up a blog or web will attract huge traffic like the bees to honey. But the reality is different. In order for searchers to find your website, it is necessary to be located on the first pages of the big search engines.

Link exchange is very effective for improving search engine rankings. By, link exchange you may find your web pages in the top ten in the search engine results and grow your business at a very nice rate.

Useful for SEO

For search engine optimisation, on-page & off-page optimisation are important step. In the off-page optimisation, you can start with forum marketing, blog commenting, link exchange. For your web’ relevance and popularity Google views each link exchange to your website as a “vote”, the more links your web has, and the better. Therefore, link exchange is essential for SEO campaign.


Remember for link exchange you should search potential linking partners because having irrelevant links to your web can affect search engine results.

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