Not everyone has the money to employ the service of a search engine optimiser. Due to cash crunch, you may not be able to spare the dough to employ someone for such a service. If you are one of those living on budget and you are looking for a way to get your search engine optimization done at no cost at all, this write up will open your eyes to some SEO considerations that you can implement by yourself. If they are properly applied, your site too can be pushed up the search engine rankings.
Keywords inclusion
The keywords in your content should be included carefully. This will make the site and its content easily visible to search engines. A keyword density of about 3/4% is recommended. This means the keyword should be present in approximately every 100 words. As a rule of thumb, it is always better to include the keyword in the first and last paragraph of the content. It should also be included in the title.
Build appropriately from bottom up
The content in your site alone is not enough to push the site up in search engine ranking or Search engine result pages. Your website itself needs to be search engine friendly for it to get picked. The name of the website also contributes a great deal. It is always better to use a URL that says something about the content in the webpage. This ensures your site is easily caught by the search engines.
Sitemap to the rescue
Never leave your site without a search map if the site contains numerous web pages. You can also make use of Google site map option. This ensures every page on the website can be easily picked by search engine. This promotes your ranking on search engines a great deal.
Off-page optimization very essential
Everything is not about how beautiful your site looks or how great the content is. Some offpage considerations can be the determining factors between a successful internet business and an unsuccessful one. In order to push your site to the top on search engines, you need to link your site to as many other sites as possible. Google search engine for example goes through your site to find out if you have links with high ranking sites. The number of links goes a long way to determine if you will ever be given the top spot on search engines or not.
You will surely need good backlinks in order to be able to attract your website top search engine rankings especially on 3 main ones which include, Google, Yahoo! and Bing/Msn. It is suggested that you hire an SEO Company if you think it is consuming a bit too much time and let the industry’ experts handle your seo campaign.