I have lost my website Google rankings in January 2016, what should I do?

I have received this email from someone based in Australia

I have lost my rankings and I have not done anything? I have very good quality backlinks which I personally built over the last 5 years, the content on my website and blog publishes useful “how to articles” – Even I am listed in Dmoz, Yahoo, Alexa and other reputed web directories, have a good domain name that is 12 years old, page rank is 8 at the moment, but I can see our keywords “discount toys”, “toys” “buy toys online” and several other keywords variations which were ranking on 1st page on google.com.au have dropped to 280 and higher what should I do?

Answer:  Until you submit your website URL, we are really hard to advice what should be done at this very point of time, but as you are aware  of Google update in December 2015, then in January 2016 and now in 12th February 2016, you might like to wait and watch at the moment and see what happens or whether or not your website returns – as you said you have a good backlinks profile, chances are your website might return but we have to look at the consequences to provide you more information that what needs to be done

We are very popular on twitter, does this count at all, we have over 10,00,000 followers, thousands retweets and so on, massive traffic and good trust over social platforms including Google+, Facebook likes and loads of +1s which are all natural and unique, then why I am hurt?

Answer: Well, these social segments do really count but again, you have to provide us with your usernames for Twitter, Facebook and Google+ and find out the real cause to what happened as you stated above

Should I submit website reconsideration request to Google through webmaster tools? I have not received any messages or critical issues, but do you suggest if I should submit this request? I can also see the rankings for our search queries have fallen to 300 or higher and I am so confused

Answer:  No. You should not do it, until unless have personally contacted you or if you have received a message saying, we have found issues with your website, then it makes sense to make a contact with Google or submit a request but what we suggest you is to wait and watch

Should I remove any links, which I have not built but are linking to my website, such as, some people which like our web posts and host them on their blogs?

Answer:  We definitely do not suggest that, as your content was news and buzz worthy to earn links, plus it is a vote that your content was useful enough to be found and hosted, so I would not suggest that at all, until unless you email us with all those links and so we can find out, if they are not coming from bad neighbourhood

I have never done directory submission, article or press release submission or any other type of stupid submissions then why Google has dropped the rankings of our good website?

Answer: As I said, we can only assume at the moment as we do not have the URL of your website, there are number of link analyzer tools, SEOMoz, Aherf, and so on, find out what links are more useful and what are not, if you find links which you think are suspicious, and work on them

You may also send us an email with all those links, URL(s), the keywords that lost their rankings and any other concerns and we will be happy to provide you free seo consulting and analyse and let you know why you have lost your website rankings on Google in January/February 2016

Learn how to rank on Google first page for free? Contact us for free and we will be happy to talk to you




Email:            seo@drawpictures.co.uk
